Friday, March 26, 2010

I have Tumblr

I don't know if you are familiar with it, but it is a type of easy blogging. And I've followed some people on it for quite a while now, and like one week ago I decided to start one myself. Through Vicky's Eyes. Check it out and say what you think :) It's like quotes, pics, videos etc :)

...and yes, I've arrived in Sweden now :) Quite tired though, after only 4 hours sleep this night.



Anonymous said...

oh dear!just 4 hours sleep! your life is so crazy and full of action, but i love to read about it!! :D enjoy your time in sweden and please relax a bit! ;D

Vicky M said...

I will try to :) hehe..well it is a lot going on, but better too much than too little :P